Asthma UK have published an excellent synopsis of issues relating to Asthma whilst Exercising
It can be downloaded at the following link
The text is copied here :
Managing your asthma while exercising
This is a further factfile which was produced on the topic :
Asthma UK's 'Out There and Active Campaign' has produced this advice for the families of children with Asthma.
Tips to help children with Asthma exercise safely
Make sure your child's teacher/instructor/coach knows they have asthma
Increase your child's fitness levels gradually
Always ensure that your child has their reliever inhaler with them when they exercise
If exercise triggers your child's asthma ensure they use their reliever inhaler immediately before warm up
Ensure a good warm up before sport (and a warm down after as well)
Try to avoid your child coming in contact with things that trigger their asthma
If you child has asthma symptoms when they exercise, they should stop, take their reliever inhaler and wait five minutes before starting again
If you child uses a preventer medicine, they should take it as prescribed by your doctor or nurse
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